Cette chanson sera également incluse sur le nouvel album de la chanteuse (qui porte le même nom) qui sera, quant à lui, commercialisé le 9 Novembre 2010 aux Etats-Unis (en 2011 en Europe, Asie et Australie). Pour les treize chansons qui seront incluses sur ce disque, l'artiste a collaboré avec John Shanks, Ryan Tedder, John Hill, Kleerup ou encore Steve Kniper.
Nous attendons plus qu'une seule chose: la vidéo de Strip Me. En attendant, nous vous invitons à découvrir (ou redécouvrir) cette chanson.
2 commentaires:
Vraiment bien ce nouveau single :)
Ryan : Allo Natasha? I've got a great, great idea for your next album!
Natasha : What is it, Ryan?
Ryan : What do you think of a shiny, light, aerial song?
Natasha : Are you STILL self-covering Halo?
Ryan No! It has nothing to do with Halo!
Natasha : Tell me more.
Ryan : Well actually... It's like the up-tempo version of Halo! No one will notice! Your career's pretty dead anyway, just listen to the song!
Natasha : Fine.
Natasha : Oh god Ryan you were right, it's SO shiny, light... Yeah it really is the up-tempo version of Halo but it also sounds like a reject from your album for some reason.
Ryan : *coughs* No it's not!
Natasha : I'll take it anyway, it does have some hit potential... But how the hell did you come up with a song called Strip Me?
Ryan : Well you know ever since Timbo made me famous...
Natasha : FINE I don't wanna know. Thanks for the demo!
Ryan : Mwah!
*hangs up*
Ryan : Gosh after Leona, Beyoncé, Jordin, Kelly, I might have found a new fag hag! I'm soooo happy I'm gonna write a song called "Never Too Shiny".
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